15 Minutes to a 10 RM Front Squat (try to go heavier than last week) Then, 2×10 backdown reps at 90% Then…. EOMOM(Every other minute on the minute) for 12 Minutes Odd: 10 Knees to Elbows Even: 15 Alternating Single Hand Russian KB Swings  70/53  
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9-11 am- Open Gym 10 am -Olympic Lifting with Coach Ryan 11 am- Endurance WOD 2 Mile Run 250 Double Unders 2k Row *Any Order*   Congrats to team Spicy Brown Mustard on taking 1st place at the Battle in the Boro, against some stiff competition!
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Deadlift 3-3-3 Then: 4 Rounds of: 6 Muscle Ups 12 Deadlifts 225/145 30 Lunges Post Loads and Times to Zen and Comments:
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EMOM 7 Minutes: Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Jerk Then… “Wacky Wiser Partner Friday” For Time: 42 Hang Power Cleans, 135/83 42 Shoulder 2 OH, 135/83 200m Firemans Carry 30 Hang Power Cleans, 155/103 30 Shoulder 2 OH, 155/103 200m Firemans Carry 18 Hang Power Cleans, 185/123 18 Shoulder 2 OH, 185/123 200m Firemans Carry    
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Back Squat: 3-3-3 (80%) Then: 7 Rounds of: 14 Pullups 14 Med Ball cleans 200 Meter Run *18 Min Cap Post Loads and Times to Comments and Zen:
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