“Wacky Wiser Partner Friday” 50 Shoulder 2 OH, 135/93 (partner holds front rack) 50 Box Jumps, 24/20 (alternating) 50 Synchronized Toes 2 Bar 30 Shoulder 2 OH, 165/103 (partner holds front rack) 30 Box Jump overs, 30/24 (alternating) 30 Synchronized Toes 2 Bars 15 Shoulder 2 OH, 185/123 (partner holds front rack) 15 Burpee Box Jump overs 30/24″ (alternating) 15 Synchronized Toes 2 Bar CASH OUT: 50 HSPU (anyway) 2nd Box Partner WOD  
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Back Squat 3-3-3 Then: 12 Min Amrap 50 Air Squats 20 Pullups 10 Hang Power Clean 135/93 Post loads and Times to Comments and ZEN:
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Snatch Pulls: 3 x 3 (3 sec pause at knee) Then… For Time: 21 Power Snatches, 95/63 30  Burpees over bar 15 Power Snatches, 115/73 20 Ring Dips 9 Power  Snatches, 135/83 10 Ring Muscle-ups Two people in this picture are getting married this weekend. Can you guess who?    
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20 Minutes to work to a max Clean and Jerk Then…… 50 Double Unders 50 Sit Ups 5 Clean and Jerk 205/143 40 Double Unders 40 Sit Ups 4 Clean and Jerk 30 Double Unders 30 Sit Ups 3 Clean and Jerk 20 Double Unders 20 Sit Ups 2 Clean and Jerk 10 Double Unders 10 Sit Ups 1 Clean and Jerk Happy birthday to Rob Zombie!  
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Front Squat: Establish a 10RM (increase weight by 5-10lbs) Then, 2 x 10 Backdown sets at @90% Then… 8 Min Ladder: 3-6-9-12-15-18…. OHS, 95/63 C2B Pull-ups Happy Birthday, Noodles (Jordan)!          
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