Clean Pulls (3 sec pause knee): 2-2-2 Then… AMRAP 10 Minutes 10 Power Cleans, 115/73 10 Box Jumps, 24/20 10 Ring Dips Noon @ Battle Royale        
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Snatch 2-2-2 (Do not have to be touch and go) Then…… 5 Rounds 30 Double Unders 7 Snatches 115/83 2 Legless Rope Climbs 15′ (use legs on the way down) Happy birthday to the amazing Laura!  
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Lots of CFWC athletes competed this weekend. 5 RM Front squat then 2 sets at 90% 10 min AMRAP 10 Chest 2 Bar / Toes 2 Bar 10 Alt Kettlebell Clean & Jerk 70/53
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10am:  Oly LIfting 11am:  Enduro WOD For Time: 400m Run 20 pullups 20 pushups 800m Run 20 pushups 20 pullups 1600m Run 20 pullups 20 pushups 800m Run 20 pullups 20 pushups 400m Run Nate, Marco, Pete on deck Congrats to everyone who competed!
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Bench Press 2-2-2 Then…. 3 Rounds-1 minute at each station, 1 Minute rest at end of each round Row for calories Jumping Lunges Floor Press 135/83 KB Snatches 53/35   6 am Warm Up  
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