15 Minutes to a heavy Snatch Then…… 1000m Row 30 OHS 135/93 20 Ring Muscle Ups Happy birthday to Amy Gaga and Matt Giunta!
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Test: Back Squat 1 RM Then…..WOD 3 from Wodapalooza AMRAP 7 Minutes 21-15-9 HSPU C2B Pullup MB and Steph taking 2nd place at The Lumber Games  
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10 am- Olympic Lifting with Coach Ryan 11 am- Endurance AMRAP 30 Minutes 800m Run 15 Burpee Pullups 50 Double Unders   Congrats to all the teams at Paul Bunyan Crossfit yesterday!
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5 min EMOM Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk Then… For Time: “Helen Sprint” 12oom run 63 Kb Swings, 53/35 36 pullups Attention Ladies: CFWC is hosting a clothing exchange to help raise money for Barbell’s For Boobs Friday Oct 16th @7pm Rules: -$20 buy in – Bring up to 5 pieces of clothing to exchange – Email [email protected] if you have any questions          
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5 Min EMOM Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS Then… “WWPF” AMRAP 16 Mintues 60 Cal Row / Partner holds DL, 225/153 40 T2B / Partner hangs from bar 20 Strict HSPU / Partner holds handstand *switch as often as needed 16 Days and counting… Sign Up HERE
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