EMOM 7 Minutes 1 Snatch 2 Hang Snatch Then…. 30 Chest to Bar Pullups 10 Power Snatch 115/73 15 Bar Muscle Ups 8 Power Snatch 10 Ring Muscle Ups 6 Power SnatchRead more
Bulgarian Split Squat 3×8 per leg Then… 5 rounds 20m bear crawl 10 Ring push-ups 20 cossack squats 53/35 Congrats to Carrissa on her first competition!Read more
Jackie 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 45lbs 30 Pullups 5 Min Rest Then….. 3 Rounds 400m Run 10 DB Snatches (full depth squat) 50/35 Great job to Selena and Majesta on a very successful senior year on the WCU Gymnastics team!Read more
WWPF 60 Power Snatches, 105/63 30 T2B (partner hangs from bar) 12 Rope Climbs, alt 40 Power Snatches, 135/83 30 T2B (partner Hangs from bar) 9 Rope Climbs, alt 20 Power Snatches, 165/103 30 T2B (partner hangs from bar) 6 Rope Climbs, alt Read more