WOD 6/21/19



0:00 – 12:00

1RM Strict Press


12:00 –  Finish

For Time: Complete reps of  12-10-8-6-4-2

DB Thruster, 50’s/35’s

C2B Pull-up

*Partners start on either Thrusters or pull-ups, switch and work down the ladder. Both partners complete the entire rep scheme for both movements before moving on. 


Then, right into…


AbBlast Chipper – Accumulate the following totals with your partner in any order

75 Russian Twists, 20/14

4 Min of Front Planks, 45/25

150  Sit-ups

2 min of L-Sits



Our 10 Year Anniversary WORKOUT/PARTY will be Aug 10th

save the date!