WOD 6/22/19: Fitness with Foose


WOD 6/22/19: Fitness with Foose

4 Min AMRAP:
25 American DB Swings 50/35lb
15 Burpees
*Max 1-arm DB Snatches from the hang in remaining time.


Rest 1 min


4 Min AMRAP:

25 American Swings

15 Burpees

*Max DB Clean and Jerks from the hang in remaining time.


Rest 1 min


4 min AMRAP

25 American Swings

15 Burpees

*Max DB Goblet Squats in remaining time.


* Score is the snatches, clean n jerks,
and goblet squats added together.


Extra Credit:
3-4 Rounds:
10-12 DB Bicep Curls (25/15s or more)
immediately into;
10-12 DB Skull Crushers
Rest 1min.