WOD 4/26/13
Thruster: 3-3-2-2-1-1-1
With a partner complete the following….(20min cap)
42 Thrusters, 95/65
6 Rope Climbs
200m weighted Run
30 Thrusters, 115/85
4 Rope Climbs
200m weighted Run
18 Thrusters, 135/115
2 Rope Climbs
200m weighted run
*partners may work on thrusters and rope climbs at the same time
BELOW: Nikki doing Partner Friday with her pet deer horse
Nikki schools her stalker! You go Honey Badger!!!
I’m afraid to ask how much weight for the run??
Oh God help us
I agree with Tina.
The thruster bar is the weight for the run.
Ahhh yes, my horse deer friend! You all joke but seriously this deer that lives right by me is the size of a horse and follows me with no fear while I walk my dogs. Freaks me out!!!
Show him those muscles Nikki! I bet that will scare him away.