WOD 1/23/13


WOD 1/23/13

10 Min EMOM: 3 Power Snatches (increase weight on min 2,4,6,8,10)


12 Min AMRAP:

3 Weighted Strict Pullups, 53/35

6 Alt weighted Pistols, 53/35

9 Slapping Pushups

Reminder: The next CrossFit Total will be this Saturday Jan 26th. 

Warm-up: 9am-9:50am

First Lift: 10:00am

6 Responses

  1. nancy

    All i can say about today’s WOD is that some days i feel like the bug and some days I feel like the windshield. It was very humbling ! ( Yet I keep coming back for more….)

  2. Gaga

    Good way to put it Nancy! I have a friend who just started CF & she is feeling very insecure with her abilities. I explained that I am taken out of my comfort zone with almost every WOD- but 2 years later.. I’m still coming back!