
Push Press 3-3-3 Then: Open WOD 12.3 15 Min Amrap of: 15 Box jumps, 24/20 12 Push press 115#/75# 9 Toes-to-bar 7:30 Strength Class Post Loads and rounds completed comments: WOD 14.1  will be annouced this evening 2/27 @ 8PM  at 
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12 min to establish a heavy hang clean Then… “2012 Regionals Team Event” 1000m Row 30 Pistols, alt 15 Hang Cleans, 205/135 (competition men will scale up to 225lb) Foose School of Rock
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EMOM 7 1 Snatch 2 Hang Snatch Then… 21-15-9 Power Snatch 95/63 Ring Dips 30 Double Unders between each round Then.. Tabata Burpees              
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Look Jimmy we wiped our balls off! 5×3 Back Squat Then 15min AMRAP 6 Ring Pull-ups 9 Wall Balls 10 ft target 20/14 12 Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell Swings 53/35
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9 am- Yoga 10am- Olympic lift class with Coach Ryan 11am- Endurance WOD 4 Rounds 9 OHS  135/95 15 Burpees Over Bar 21 Sit Ups Then….. 2 Mile Run
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8 am- Beginners 9 am- Regular WOD 10 am-Beat the Coach In groups of 3 AMRAP 20 Minutes Person 1-Barbell Step Ups 20″/16″  85/55 Person 2- Push Ups Person 3-Row 250m *Person 1 and 2 work for reps while person 3 rows 250m.  Switch movements when person 3 is done with the row*    ...
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“Wacky Wiser Partner Friday” FOR TIME: 75 Power Snatches, 75/55 75 Burpees 75 C2B Pullups 50 Power Snatches 50 Burpees 50 C2B Pullups 25 Power Snatches 25 Burpees 25 C2B Pullups Mitchy Poo!
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Thruster 7×1 Then 10 Thrusters (135/95) 50 situps 8 thrusters (135/95) 40 situps 6 thrusters (135/95) 30 situps 3 thrusters (135/95) 20 situps 1 thuster (135/95) 10 situps Post Loads and Times to comments: 7:30 Strength Class
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3 min M.E. Double Unders 1 min break 2 min M.E. Double Unders 1 min break 1 min M.E. Double Unders Then… 12 Min AMRAP 20 Toes Through Rings 15 Box Jumps, 24/20 10 Deadlifts, 255/185 Amy Gaga is doing her first competition this weekend! Go GAGA!
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