EMOM 7 Minutes-work up to heavy 3 rep 3 Hang Cleans Then….. Fran with a twist (EMOM 5 Burpees-starting on the 2nd minute) 21-15-9 Thruster 95/65 Pullup If you haven’t heard part II of Marco’s podcast yet, here it is! Marco will be competing as an individual at the Atlantic Regionals June 2-4! http://www.headsntales.org/podcast/74 ...Read More
Front Squat 3 sets of 3 reps with 3 sec pause at each rep. Then: 30 – 20 – 10 Alternating KB clean + Shoulder to Overhead + same side leg reverse lunge from a 45 plate 53/35 Toes to Rings Read More
With a Team of 3 Partner 1 200m sled push (light to moderate weight this should be a sprint) Partner 2 holds dbl Kettlebell Wall sit (accumulate 45 sec) 35s/26sKB Partner 3 dumbbell bear crawls 50ft 35/20 DB AMRAP 20 min 🙂Read More
Bench Press: 3 x 3 (3 sec neg) Weighted Pullup: 3 x 3 (3 sec pause at top) Then... 3 Rounds of ….3 min AMRAP’s 12 Deadlifts 40 DU 2 min rest Round 1: 185/123 Round 2: 225/153 Round 3: 255/183 New You Kelly Benching Fancy NancyRead More
15 Minutes to a heavy Snatch Then…. 2017 Regionals Event 1 1,200-m run Then, 12 rounds of: 4 strict handstand push-ups 8 chest-to-bar pull-ups 12 squats 6 am hanging out upside downRead More
Congratulations to Coach Jenny after a great weekend of lifting! Front Squat 3 sets of 3 with a 3 second pause every rep. THEN: Max Effort Side Plank each side. Rest as needed between sides. THEN: 12 min EMOM 1st min Kettlebell Swings 70/53 2nd min Wall Facing Handstand hold 3rd min 200m Run Score...Read More