CrossFit Kids this October!

Crossfit West Chester’s kids Program is designed to build your child’s physical, social, mental and emotional strength through constructive fitness training and instruction.  The program is run and designed by Exercise Physiologists and certified CrossFit and USA Weightlifting certified trainers who have had years of study in Motor Learning and Development.   Our program seeks to provide a life long love of physical activity in order to avoid the problems associated with childhood inactivity and obesity.  Your kids will learn functional fitness that will aid them throughout their whole lives.  Our program is scalable and can benefit age groups from 4 years 12 years.  Our goal is to train your child in all domains of physical fitness including strength, cardiovascular, and flexibility training, also working on balance, speed , reaction time and coordination.

Cost: $75/Month (+$50 for every additional child)

Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday (4:45pm – 5:30pm)

Ages: 4-12

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