WOD 3/9/13

8am Beginners
15 min Pull up instruction and practice

9am Class
15 Mins to Find 1 RM Push Press



Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups

Post total number of pull-ups and rounds completed  to comments.


It is 5K season CFWC, and there a some important ones to take note of in the coming days.




Saturday March 30th will be The 12th Annual Butterfly Run.   This event was created to honor the sister of Mike Ciunci, one of our athletes at CFWC.    More information about the event and Mike’s sister can be found HERE.

SPARC logo1


Saturday April 27th come out and Support Cherie Fishbaugh and SPARC (Southeastern Pennsylvania Autism Resource Center) in Strides for SPARC 5K,   More Information and registration can be found HERE

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