TWOW-Track workout of week-To be done on rest day as active rest
800m, 600m, 400m, 200m Rest 1:1
*Done at 7 RPE or 70%
Followed by EMOM 10minutes 100m Sprints
Skill WOW(workout of the week):
30 Strict HSPU UBAP (unbroken as possible) if this is easy, add 45lb plate deficit
Tabata C2b/T2b alternating rounds for 12 rounds instead of 8 (6 per movement)
EMOM 5 Minutes 2 Strict Ring Muscle Ups+2 Kipping
10 Min HS Walk Practice
Extra Conditioning
These can be done as add ons to regular wods whenever you feel.
4 Rounds
25 UB Wall Balls
50 UB Double Unders
7 UB Ring Muscle Ups
*2-3 Minute rest between rounds, to be done as all out sprints*
5 Rounds
10 DB Squat Cleans 50/35lb dbs (2 dumbbells, one head of db must hit the ground)
10 Burpees over dumbbells
*No rest between rounds*