4 Year Anniversary Party 8/3/13


4 Year Anniversary Party 8/3/13

10 am- WOD

12 noon-til it ends- Pig Roast and Party

10am WOD:

In Groups of 4: with a pet rock

400m Run

100 Hand stand push ups (sub with 120 pushups)

120 pullups

400 Run

160 KB Swings 70/53

200 burpees

400m Run



CFWC 1.0- our very first space back in 2009


2 Responses

  1. nancy

    I am thankful to be a part of this too ….25 years as a YMCA member NEVER felt this good.
    Cross Fit seemed expensive when I joined but once I got hooked, the cost felt totally worth it.(but don’t take that as a signal to raise the price …. am still waiting for my AARP discount.)

    As for OCD….can you imagine what this place would look like if no one was compelled to keep it neat?