The 5am and 6am classes are canceled for tomorrow morning. Stay tuned for information on the later classes. Back Squat 5-5-5 Then….. Back Squatting Lynne 5 Rounds Max Rep Body Weight Back Squat Max Rep Pullups (if you can’t do unassisted pullups yet, do 20 scaled pullups per round) Rest 2-3 Minutes between each round Each Round should be max effort! You should be so tired that you should not be able to do even 1 more rep of each exercise. 18 year old Derek doing his thing
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The 5am and 6am classes are cancelled for Tuesday.
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15 min to explore a one handed pull-up. Scale from hardest to easier like this: Assisted – where one arm is the main puller other arm is pulling from lower leverage like one ring lower than the other. 1/2 – ROM pulling with one arm half way Uneven – wherre one hand is on ring or bar other hand asisting in pull on pulling wrist. Close Grip Pull-up – Strict Pull-up – with both arms Half – strict pull-up halfway rom Jack knife – place feet on box where str8 armed at bottom you are piked in L-position. One arm rows on rings. Then: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: 95 pound Sumo deadlift high pull Wall Ball Throws 20/14 to 10/8′ targets Post time to comments.
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CrossFit West Chester is on a normal schedule unless otherwise stated.
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10am: Olympic Lifting Class 11am: Endurance 3 rounds for time of: 10 KB Snatch + OH Lunge (R arm, L leg) 24/16kg 10 KB Snatch + OH Lunge (L arm, R leg) 24/16kg 20 Lateral Burpee Over the Box Jumps 20″ 30 Jumping Squats 45# Stayed tuned to Facebook and our website for any cancellations that may occur during Monday or Tuesday.
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