Whacky Wiser Partner Friday!!! The Wiser/Cherie birthday WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of: Push Press (Wiser’s 95#/Cherie’s 65#) Pullups Sumo Dead lift High pull (Wiser’s 95#/Cherie’s 65#) Pushups Hang Squat Clean (Wiser’s 95#/Cherie’s 65#) Situps Each person must complete all rounds. Only one person goes at a time. The other person starts once all reps in the round are completed. Meaning Partner A will do all 10 push press, 10 pullups..etc.. Once complete partner B will do the same, then they both move to the 9s and so on. Congratulations to Coach Marco who placed 2nd at last weekend’s Philadelphia Winter Warmer!
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