Back Squat: 5-5-5 Then… Partner Jackie 2000m Row 100 Thrusters, 45lb 60 Pullups *Partner holds a pet rock while the other is working. Switch as often as you wish. 70/53 (must be held at full ext.) Wacky Wiser Partner Friday
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Jerk From Rack 3-3-3 Then 15 Min Amrap 200 Meter Run 15 Double Under 10 Box Jumps 7 Jerks 135/95 7:30 Strength Class Post Loads and Times to Comments
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EMOM 7 Min 2 Power Snatch + 3 OHS Then… “Helen” 3 Rounds 400m Run 21 KB Swings, 53/35 12 Pullups Doubles or Nothing
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72 Minutes of BurpeesĀ  (April Fool’s) EMOM 7 2 Power Cleans 3 Front Squats Then….. 10 Minutes for max distance: 200m Sprint 200m Jog Then…. AMRAP 7 Minutes 7 Power Cleans 135/95 7 Pullups That actually doesn’t sound too bad…..
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            Happy Birthday Pineapple! Workout 14.5 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: 95-lb. thrusters Burpees
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