10am: Oly lifting 11am: Endurance 12noon: Yoga 5 Rounds: 400m run, 20/14 30 Step-ups, 20/14 30 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 *The med ball may never touch the ground on the run, step-ups, or wall ball shots MB, Nicole, Steph, Ashley coming in 1st & 3rd at the Girl on Girls Competition
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Test: 15 min to Establish 1RM Front Squat Then… “Condensed Helen” 1 Round 1200m run 63 Kb Swings, 53/35 36 pullups Only a few spots left!
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Power Clean: 2-2-2 Then… Partner Elizabeth 42-30-18 Power Clean, 155/105 Ring Dips *200m Fireman’s carry after each round   Kim, Jenny, & Nik during Event 4 of the Mid-Atlantic Regionals    
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5 x 1 Snatch Balance x 1 OverHead Squat Then Nancy 5 Rounds 400 Meter Run 15 Over Head Squats (95/65) Post Loads and Times to Comments:
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Push Press: 5-5-5 Then… Cash In: 125 DU Then complete in any order: 50 Deadlifts, 225/155 50 Toes 2 Bar 50 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 Cash Out: 125 DU Murph 2014  
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