Happy 42nd birthday to Scott Whittle and 56th birthday to Chris Lukacs AMRAP 35 Minutes 400m Single Arm Farmer Carry 70/53 42 Toes to Bar 56 Pushups 75 KB Goblet Squats 400m RunRead more
AMRAP 10 Minutes 10/8 Cal Bike 50′ HS Walk or OH Carry AMRAP 10 Minutes 20 Deficit Lunges (2x45lb plates) 50 Double Unders AMRAP 10 Minutes 15 GHD Sit Ups or Weighted Sit Ups 15 Russian Twists 15 Leg RaisesRead more
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 For Quality, not for Time Strict Pullup Ring Dip *if easy for you, add weight Then….. 2 Rounds 500m Row 40 Wall Balls 2 Rounds 500m Ski 30 DB Thrusters 50s/35s (2DB)Read more
EMOM 12 MIN Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk Then… FOR TIME 21 Hang Cleans, 135/93 30 Box Jumps, 24/20 15 Hang Cleans, 165/113 30 Box Jumps 9 Hang Cleans, 185/133 30 Box JumpsRead more