15 min to heavy snatch pull + snatch then… “Sweatin’ To The Oldies” 3 Rounds 30 Box Jumps , 24/20 20 Power Snatches, 95/63 10 Bar MU
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Front Squat 6 RM Then 2×6@90% Then….. AMRAP 17 Minutes 200m Farmer Carry 70s/53s 10 Wall Climbs 200m Farmer Carry 20 Push Press 135/93 200m Farmer Carry 30 Ring Pushups
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Olympic Lifting -Snatch w/pause 2″ off floor + Low hang snatch (below knee): 5 x 1 -Clean (from blocks): 5 x 2 Endurance “The Hutch” – In Memory of David Hutcheson (CFWC Member 2013 – 2018). Dave was Born April 30, 1955 and he was 63 years old when he passed away from prostate cancer. Dave loved our Sunday Endurance class so we will do this in his honor <3 For Time: 400m Run 63 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 800m Run 55 KB Swings, 53/35 1200m Run 30 Burpee Box Jumps, 24/20 1600m Run
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8am and 9:15am Choose a Hero 10:30am Ruck Version of Manion Choose a Hero LUCE Wearing a 20 pound vest, three rounds for time of:1000m Run10 Muscle-ups100 Air Squats Captain Ronald G. Luce, 27, of the U.S. Army Company C, 2nd Battalion, 20th Special Forces Group, headquartered at Jackson, Mississippi, died Aug. 2, 2009, in Qole Gerdsar, Afghanistan, after his vehicle was struck by a command-wire improvised explosive device. He is survived by by his wife, Kendahl Shoemaker; 5-year-old daughter, Carrie; and parents, Ronald and Katherine. Or….. LOREDO Six rounds for time of:24 Squats24 Push-ups24 Walking lunge stepsRun 400 meters U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Edwardo Loredo, 34, of Houston, Texas, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, was killed on June 24, 2010 in Jelewar, Afghanistan, when insurgents attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He...
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WWPF 0:00 – 5:00 Max Clean & Jerk, 95/63 5:00 – 10:00 Max Cal Bike (mix cal anyway) 10:00 – 15:00 Max Clean & Jerks, 135/93 15:00 – 20:00 Max Drag Rope DU (mix reps anyway) 20:00 – 25:00 Max Clean & Jerks, 165/123 25:00 – 30:00 Max 100m Runs (Relay Style) 30:00 – 35:00 Max Clean and Jerks, 185/143
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