Olympic Lifting -Snatch Pull + Snatch + OHS: work to a heavy -Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk: work to a heavy Endurance 3 Rounds 400m Run 20 DB Burpee Deadlifts, 50/35 40 DU 2 Rounds 600m Row 30 SA DB Cleans 60 DU 1 Round 1200m Ski 60 SA DB Push Press 120 DU
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Bring a Backpack AMRAP 30 Minutes wearing a ruck bag the whole time 35#/20# 1 Rope Climb 15’ 10 Pushups 20 Lateral Step up and Over 24/20 30 Lunges  200m Ruck Carry + Farmer Carry 53s/35s 300m Run 
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WWPF 42 Cleans, 135/93 (Mix Anyway) 100 Double Unders (Mix Anyway) 42 Toes 2 Bar (partner hangs) 400m Run Relay (Both Run 400m) 30 Shoulder 2 OH, 155/113 (Mix Anyway) 200 Double Unders (Mix Anyway) 30 Toes 2 Bar (partner hangs) 400m Run Relay 18 Clean and Jerks, 185/133 (Mix Anyway) 300 Double Unders (Mix Anyway) 18 Toes 2 Bar (partner hangs) 400m Run Relay
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In Any Order: EMOM 10 Minutes  5 Back Squats Start at 40% and increase weight each minute AFAP 10 Minutes  Run, Row or Ski as far as possible in 10 minutes  10 Minute Ab Circuit 15 Turkish Sit-ups 25/15lb plate 45s Plank 15 Single Leg Alt V Ups (30total) 10 Minutes  As Many Ring Muscle Ups or Strict Pullups + Ring Dips as possible *EMOM 5 Burpees, including at the start 
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Incline Bench 3×8 Burnout incline Curls Then…. 21-15-9-6-3 Deadlift 225/153 Cal Bike Ring pushups Cal Ski
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