WWPF 42 Deadlifts, 225/153, (mix anway) 50 Box Jump Overs (mix anyway) 30 Deadlifts 50 Box Jumps Overs 18 Deadlifts 50 Box Jump Overs 120 Sandbag Lunges, 100/75 (mix anyway) 50 Synchronzied KB Swings, 53/35 18 Ring Pull-ups, mix anyway 50 Synchronized KB Swings 30 Ring Pull-ups 50 Synchronized Kb Swings 42 Ring Pull-ups
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Running clock: 0-10:00 EMOM 5 Back Squats-Increase weight each round 11:00-26:00 AMRAP 15 Minutes  800m Run 50 Gorilla Rows 2kb 50 Hand Release Pushups 50 GHD Sit-ups or Weighted Sit-ups Max Plank Hold in remaining time 27:00-37:00 Bike as far as you can  *Perform 25 Wall Balls after each mile (1.6km)
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Incline Bench Press 3×6 Burnout Pec Fly X 3 Then…… Juneteenth-CFWC Version Remix AMRAP 15 Minutes 6 Push Press 135/93 19 Toes to Bar 65 Double Unders Background: This tribute workout was designed to celebrate the unofficial US holiday, Freedom Day, also known as Juneteenth, which started on June 19, 1865 when the last states in the country finally proclaimed the independence of all black slaves. Juneteenth was made a federal holiday in 2021. The rep scheme signifies the date of the Freedom Day, 06/19/1865
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12 MIN EMOM 1 Clean + 2 Front Squats Then… 5 Rounds – HBD Nicole 1 legless Rope Climb 9 Power Cleans, 135/93 8 Burpees over Bar 9 Front Squats, 135/93
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Overhead Squat 3×10 Then…. 50 Pullups 1000m Run 50 HSPU 1000m Row
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