AMRAP 30 Minutes  400m run 1 Clean 185/133 5 Front squats 10 Hspu (can scale to Ring Pushups) 25 ft Hs walk or 100m Heavy Farmer Carry
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42 Power Snatches, 95/53 (mix anyway) 250m/250m Ski Relay 30 OH Lunges, 115/73 (mix anyway) 250m/250m Ski Relay 18 Overhead Squats, 135/93 250m/250 Ski Relay 18 Overhead Squats, 135/93 100m/100m Sandbag Carry Relay 30 OH Lunges, 115/73 100m/100m Sandbag Carry Relay 42 Power Snatches, 95/53 100m/100m Sandbag Carry Relay
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8 am and 10 am Classes In Teams of 4: 2 People work at a time, one holds pet rock 70/53, one rests Pet Rock can never touch the ground! Team WOD: 300 Pullups (75pp) 400 Pushups (100pp)  500 Air Squats (125pp) 600 Double Unders (150pp) *400m Run after each movement* Bring a backpack to make this a ruck WOD 30/20lbs if you’d like. You won’t change the workout, you’re just making it harder 🙂 Take the backpack off only for double unders . Ruckers do not have to carry to kettlebell on the runs
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Incline bench 4×4 Pec fly 4x Burnout Then…. AMRAP 16 Minutes  400m Run 20 Devil Press 50/35 (1 DB) 5 Muscle Ups (Ring or Bar)
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12 MIN EMOM 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Jerk Then… For Time: Complete Reps of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Power Clean, 155/103 Toes 2 Bar *Run 400m Every 4 Minutes (starting at 4:00 mark)
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1 49 50 51 52 53 953