AMRAP 25 Minutes  2 Muscle Ups-Ring Or Bar (Scale with 4 burpee pull-ups or 4 pull and 4 push) 4 Back Squats 225/153 (Scale to ~70%, can use a rack) 8 DB Snatch -Heavy  16 Cal Bike
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Wacky Wiser Partner Friday For Time (36 Min Cap) 42 Cleans, 135/93 (mix anyway) 300m Run Relay x 1 (each run 1x) 50 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots 30 Shoulder 2 OH, 155/113 (mix anyway)3 300m Run Relay x 2 (each run 2x) 30 Alt Wall Walks 18 Clean & Jerks, 185/123 300m Run Relay x 3 (each run 3x) 10 Legless Rope Climbs (mix anyway)
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Run, Row, Ski or Bike AFAP in 11 Minutes  then…. AMRAP 11 Minutes  20 Gorilla Rows 53s/35s 100m Farmer carry 100m OH Carry then…. 11 Minute Ab Circuit  45s Hollow Body Hold 30 Double Unders 20 Russian Twists (40 taps) 30 Double Unders 10 Strict T2B or Leg Raises 30 Double Unders  
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EOMOM 16 Minutes Min 1: 8 RDLs (85-100% of Clean 1 RM) Min 2: 5 Strict Pullups (add weight if easy) Then…… Rinse and Repeat-2022 Crossfit Games Remix Every 2 Minutes for as long as possible 10/8 Cal Ski or Row 8 Burpees-Increase by 2 reps every round until you cannot complete in 2 minutes
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10 MIN EMOM 10 Drag Rope DU 1 Snatch – build In weight every round Then…. “Lightning Speed” For Time 21-15-9 Power Snatch, 75/53 Pull-up Then… Run 400m Then… 9-15-21 OHS, 75/53 HSPU
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