10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift-Start at 55% and work up 5% each round until you get to 100% for your last set Ring Dips *Not for Time, for Quality Then….. Annie 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Sit UpsRead more
EMOM 10: Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk Then… “Triple Threat” – For Time (In any order, but must complete what you start) 400m Farmers Carry (around building), 70’s/53’s 30 Clean and Jerks, 135/93 2000m RowRead more
Olympic Lifting: -Low Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch: Work to a heavy -Low Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk : Work to a heavy Endurance AMRAP 17 MIN 60/50 Cal Bike – CASH IN 30 SDHP, 75/53 20 Push Press, 75/53 10 Burpees Over Bar AMRAP 17 MIN 1000m Ski – CASH IN 25 KB Swings 200m Run 25 Sit-ups / GHD / T2R 200m RunRead more
Citius, Altius, Fortius-CFWC Olympics 5 Rounds-5 Minute Amraps 300m Run 10 High Box Jumps-you pick height 10 Back Squats 225/153-can use rack Max Reps Muscle Ups, Pullovers, or Burpee Pullups in remaining time 2 Minute Break Between Rounds Read more