WOD 8/21/15

“WWPF” – Running Clock

0:00 – 8:00

Establish a 3 RM deadlift (1 bar)

8:00 – 12:00

(4 min AMRAP)

Rope climbs, Alt

—1 min break—

13:00 – 20:00

7 Min ladder

Kb Snatch, 53/35 (2-4-6-8-10-12…)

Hurdle Jumps, 30/24 (2-4-6-8-10-12…)

*Both Partners do ALL reps

—1 min Break—

21:00 – 28:00

Max Distance Waiters walk, 53/35 (This will be done with a KB in each arm. Partners may switch as often as they wish)


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