WOD 7/31/15

“Wacky Wiser Partner Friday”

For Time

Farmers Carry Shuttle Run Relay (20′-40′-60′-80′)

10 Rope Climbs, Alt

20 Synchronized Hurdle Jumps, 30/24

30 Snatches, 135/93 (mix reps anyway)

Farmers Carry Shuttle Run Relay (20′-40′-60′-80′)

30 Snatches, 135/93 (mix reps anyway)

20 Synchronized Hurdle Jumps, 30/24

10 Rope Climbs, Alt

Farmers Carry Shuttle Run Relay (20′-40′-60′-80′)


Cherie, Dana, and Janice have been here since the beginning along with many others.

 Come Celebrate our 6th year anniversary WOD/Party this Saturday!

Saturday August 1st

10am: Workout

11am – ? : Food and Fun (Pig Roast, Crabs, Beverages)

*feel free to bring sides






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