WOD 6/23/20, Fit4ALL 9am

RDL 5-5-5


The Pete Soup


Deadlift 165/103

Hang Power Clean

Floor Press

Happy 47th birthday to Pete C!

Virtual WODs: 7am, 12 Noon, 6pm

a. Handstand Hold 3x60s

b. RDL 3×15 per leg


AMRAP 14 Minutes

20 DB Sumo Deadlift

20 DB Hang Snatch

20 Burpee Over Dumbbell


10 Minute Row, alternating Rating of Perceived Exertion(RPE)

Row at RPE 9/10 for 30 seconds

Row at RPE 5/10 for 30 seconds


AMRAP 18 Minutes

20 KB Sumo Deadlift

20 Russian Swings

20 V Up or Toes to Bar

200m Run (up the hill and back down)


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