WOD 6/11/20

Floor Press 10-10-10


AMRAP 15 Minutes

2 Muscle Ups (Ring or Bar) or 6 Pullups

4 KB Snatch 70/53

8 Box Step Up and Over 70/53

Virtual WOD:

a. Floor Press 3 x 12-15

b. Renegade Row 3 x 12-15


For Time:

50 Chair Dips

50 Weighted Box Step Up and Over

50 KB  Hang Clean and Jerks

50 Bodyweight Man Makers (pushup/shoulder tap, rt/pushup/shoulder tap, lt/ burpee/tuck jump)

At home, no equipment WOD:

For time:

50 Chair Dips

100 Walking Lunges (50 rt/50 lt)

50 Single Leg V Ups

50 Bodyweight Man Makers (pushup/shoulder tap, rt/pushup/shoulder tap, lt/ burpee/tuck jump)



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