WOD 5/22/15

10 minutes of Handstand Walk Practice


2015 Team Regional Event 7…kinda:

30 Cal Row – Partner holds Deadlift, 315/205

30 HSPU  – partner holds handstand

30 Toes 2 Bar – Partner hangs from bar

50′  Front Rack  Walking Lunges, 135/83 (16 in place lunges)- partner holds front rack

*Partners will switch and complete all reps for each movement before moving to next movement.

Example: Once 30 Calories are completed, the partner rowing will then move to the deadlift static hold and the partner that was holding the deadlift will then proceed to complete 30 cal on the rower. Continue the entire workout in this fashion.


Jenny finishing her 50′ of OH Lunges during Event 7



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