WOD 4/28/24


WOD 4/28/24

Olympic Lifting

-Snatch w/pause 2″ off floor + Low hang snatch (below knee): 5 x 1

-Clean (from blocks): 5 x 2


“The Hutch” – In Memory of David Hutcheson (CFWC Member 2013 – 2018). Dave was Born April 30, 1955 and he was 63 years old when he passed away from prostate cancer. Dave loved our Sunday Endurance class so we will do this in his honor <3

For Time:

400m Run

63 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14

800m Run

55 KB Swings, 53/35

1200m Run

30 Burpee Box Jumps, 24/20

1600m Run