WOD 3/3/24


WOD 3/3/24

Olympic Lift Class:

Snatch From Blocks 1-1-1

Clean and Jerk From Blocks 1-1-1

Endurance Class:

The Dookie Man (12/28/12-3/1/24)

Today we pay tribute to Dookie the Chihuhaua, Dan and Nicole’s pup. Dookie has been a huge part of CFWC since 2013! Dookie basically grew up here at CFWC, and he loved to come to the gym and bite all of us, especially the Legends. We love him, and we will miss his huge personality.

AMRAP 35 Minutes

11 Box Step Up and Overs-1 Heavy Dumbbell

11 C2B Pullups

11 Lateral Box Jumps

11 Toes to Bar

11 Med Ball Clean into Wall Balls

11 Cal Ski

*200m Run after each movement (as far as Dookie could run at one time)