6x 200m Sprint, all out sprint, 200m walk recoveries
Skill WOW:
10 Minutes HS walk practice
-3 x 45 sec Hollow Body Handstand hold against wall, absolutely no arch, chin to chest
-EMOM 5 Minutes 5 Strict Pullups AND 5 Strict HSPU (both every minute)
-30X Handstand walk step ups onto 45lb plates, against wall
-EMOM 5 Minutes 3 Bar Muscle ups and 5 pistols per leg
-5x Peg Board ascents
No Muscle ups yet?
Ring Work: 3×5 false grip strict ring pullups to chest, 3×10 ring dips with 2 second pause at bottom, 3×10 low ring banded muscle ups
Bar Muscle up 3×5 kip to hip
Extra WODs
AMRAP 15 Minutes
10 Sandbag Over Shoulder 150/100lb
7 Ring Muscle Ups
25Ft DB Lunge, regional standard (switch OH arm every round) 70s/55s
Crossfit 2018 Regionals Event 6:
4 rope climbs
16 thrusters
3 rope climbs
12 thrusters
2 rope climbs
8 thrusters
M 155 lb. | F 105 lb.
Time cap: 7 minutes