WOD 3/9/16

Clean Grip RDL: 3 x 3

Front Plank x ME


For Time:

200m Run

21 Deadifts, 225/155

21 Burpees over bar

200m run

15 Deadlifts

15 Burpees over bar

200m run

9 Deadlifts

9 Burpees over bar


Friday March 18th at 7pm

We are inviting the ladies of CFWC and friends to clean out their closets and exchange clothes for a great cause. We will be collecting $20 donations at the door to participate. All donations and left over clothes will be donated to the charity Bringing Hope Home.
Bringing Hope Home is a non-profit organization that provides household grants for family’s dealing with cancer. Visit their site www.bringinghopehome.org


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