WOD 5/12/13

Happy Mother’s Day!!!!

9am- Yoga

No lifting or Open Gym during this class

10am- Open Gym

11am- Endurance Class

3x Max effort row or run in 1 Minute intervals

Rest equals slow jog or slow row for 1 minute (absolutely no stopping the row or walking)


Crossfit Momma

AMRAP 20 Minutes

400m Run with medicine ball 20/14

15 Squat Clean Wall Balls 20/14 (do med ball clean into wall ball throw) 10ft/8ft

10 Back Squats 135/95 (from the ground)

10 Pullups


One of our Crossfit Moms, Corie, climbing the ropes!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our wonderful Crossfit Mommas!! We appreciate all that you do on a daily basis!  Thank you for choosing Crossfit West Chester as your daily stress outlet.