8/10/19 CFWC 10 Year Anniversary WOD and Party!!!

8 am-10am_ Open Gym

10 am- Anniversary WOD

11am-3pm Food, Games and Party!!  Please bring a side dish if you feel inclined

10 Year Anniversary WOD:

10 Rounds

5 HSPU or Push Press 95/63 Barbell or 50/35 DB

10 Pullups

15 Sit Ups

20 Air Squats

200m Run

Thank you so much to all of our members and trainers, past and present!! We are so proud to have been in business for 10 years!! We pride ourselves on hard work, and constantly trying to do what’s best for our members.  We look forward to many more years of helping you become the best version of yourself that you can be.  Thank you for allowing us to do so! -Jim, Jimmy, Steve and Jenny

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