WOD 5/5/14


WOD 5/5/14








Weighted Pullups, 5-5-5

5 rounds (20 min cap)

1 rope climb

5 Russian KB Swings L / 5 Russian KB Swings R

5 KB squat clean thrusters L / 5 KB squat clean thrusters R

5 Cartwheels L hand lead / 5 Cartwheels R hand lead

You don’t have to do a perfect cartwheel.  We are looking to incorporate some practice of loading shoulders and working towards getting upside down.  For a full article on the cartwheel CLICK HERE

4 Responses

  1. fancy 8.3

    Very diabolical, Steve !
    I think the last time I did a cartwheel , JFK was president.

  2. Honey Badger

    Sorry Foose. Way too complicated and confusing for a Monday after girls weekend at the beach. Have to pass on this one.