WOD 3/18/20


WOD 3/18/20

10 min EOMOM

Even: 10 Floor Press

Odd: 10 C2B Pull-ups


10 Min AMRAP: 

Run 1 mile

*rest for remaining Time


10 Min AMRAP
7  Tempo push ups (3sec down/1 sec pause)

14 alt Pistols

1:00 Plank


12 Min AMRAP

7 Tempo Push-ups (3 sec Down/ 1 sec pause)

(modify with knees or incline couch pushups)

14 alt Pistols

(modify with pistol to couch or reverse lunge)

1:00 Front Plank (must accumulate 1:00 to move on to next round)

@ Home Dog Wall Sit . Post your wall sit on social media and tag us!