WOD 2/4/20-New Classes Start Today!!


WOD 2/4/20-New Classes Start Today!!

EMOM 7 Minutes

1 Snatch

2 Hang Snatch


AMRAP 17 Minutes

500m Row or 400m Run

40 DB Snatches 50/35

20 DB OH Lunge

10 Sandbag Over Shoulder 100/75

5 Rope Climbs

New classes start today!!! Fit4All at 8:30am and Bodybuilding at 5:30pm!


Fit4ALL Workout of the Day

AMRAP 30 Minutes

2 Minutes Max Cal Bike, 1 Minute Air Squats

2 Minutes Max Cal Ski, 1 Minute Burpees

2 Minutes Max Cal Row, 1 Minute Ring Rows