WOD 12/15/12


WOD 12/15/12

8am-Beginner’s Class

9am- Crossfit Class

10-11am- Open Gym (Open gym will end at exactly 11am today)

7-10pm-Christmas Party at Iron Hill Brewery

Christmas Party Gone Wrong (to be run like Fight Gone Bad)

1 Minute for max effort at each station, 3 rounds

Prowler Push

Box Jumps 24″ for all

10m Run

Push Press 95/65

Row for Calories



Coach Wakefoose at tonight’s party

3 Responses

  1. nancy salamon

    GREAT WOD today….but am relieved you did not name it “Chanukah Party Gone Wrong” or we would have had to do 8 minute rounds instead of one minute rounds..